How To Calm Your Travel Nerves With Just 3 Yoga Poses

15 Aug How To Calm Your Travel Nerves With Just 3 Yoga Poses

yoga poses to calm you before you travel

In yoga, we are always reminded to stay in the present moment. We are encouraging our minds to not wander off into the future or back into the past. We need to stay in the present moment to feel grounded and calm. 

When you are about to travel and board a plane, remaining grounded is easier said than done. Take your yoga practice off your mat and into your real life to ground yourself before you start traveling.

For instance, most of us love to travel, but when it comes to flying – not so much. The time at the airport waiting to board a plane is for a lot of us nerve-wracking. Your heart is racing, and your mind wanders off in all different directions at once. You are going through all possible scenarios what can happen on your upcoming flight or reconstructing your ultimate flight experience in detail. Hence your nervous system is on high alert. Before a long travel day ahead, you aim to be calm and collected, therefore not in fight or flight mode.

Grounding and connecting yourself back to the present moment is essential now. We have listed three poses that you can easily do at home or the airport before you board your flight. Anytime during your travels when you need calming energy. You will not only calm your nervous system but also connect to the now. More or less easing yourself into flight mode. Additionally, we will link you to some much craved in-flight stretches over at yogaholics.


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